Wedding Gallery

Lori & Tyler


"A wonderful party!"



"I love celebrating our love with friends and family."

Lori and Tyler had a pre-wedding party at the Grand Hotel Tremezzo, followed by a beautiful wedding at Villa Cipressi.

You Are Invited

Monday  3 July  2024

Villa Cipressi

Wedding Ceremony

Villa Cipressi

The ceremony took place at Villa Cipressi, surrounded by the beauty of the lake.

Wedding Reception

Grand Hotel Tremezzo

The pre-wedding party was aperol Spritz themed. Guests, arriving by boat at the Grand Hotel Tremezzo, were greeted by a personalized panel filled with glasses of Aperol Spritz. A great way to start the party!

The tables were decorated with orange flowers and oranges.

The newlyweds decided to give each guest a welcome bag full of Italian delicacies.

At the end of the event, the couple ended the celebration with a fun and unexpected dip in the pool.

Grand Hotel Tremezzo

Guest Book

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